Our range and services


Do you need a bouquet of flowers, an arrangement on a specific date, or do you have a particular flower arrangement in mind? Do you need the flowers delivered to a specific address?


Let us know about your requirements in terms of design and deadline. Then leave it to us to deliver your surprise on time and to the right person.

Flowers are always a wonderful gift to offer someone, and they're also ideal for so many other occasions, creating a particular atmosphere and emotion.


Because we're conscious of working with a natural resource, we always make sure that we use flowers that are in season, so that everyone's happy!


Come and talk to us about how we can help you with:


romantic surprises
birthday greetings
flowers for official occasions,

and much more!


Drop in and say hello! We're always happy to put together an individual bouquet of your own design.


Plants for balconies, terraces and tubs

Trust our green fingers! We are experts in selecting the right plants for balconies and terraces. Needless to say, we take into account your preferences and offer our advice when you're making your selection. We can visit you at home or other locations, take care of all materials and plants, and put all our expertise to work for you.

Special arrangements

Our flower shop can create wedding and funeral bouquets and flowers and bouquets for family gatherings including anniversaries, christenings and other religious festivals.


We can also supply the right decoration for company events or to furnish your office. Your customers can also benefit from the attention: we'll take orders for beautiful bouquets for an associate or for any other occasion.



Order by phone on +44 20 76044695 or use our contact form.


We deliver within 6 hours with a premium price



We refund bouqetes within 24 hours

Plants within 4 days

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Elgin Blooms, 243 Elgin Avenue, Maia Vale, London W9 1NJ. Tel: 0207604 4695 email; info@elginblooms.co.uk